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Center of Hope Family Programs

Empowered Families Mean Empowered Communities

By offering a range of programs aimed at improving life outcomes for families throughout the Toledo area, Center of Hope Family Services is helping build stronger communities one household at a time. Learn more about the programs we offer by clicking the links below.

Adult and Family Support

ENGAGE Workforce Development
Empowering families to nurture children, galvanize supports, access resources and gain meaningful employment, Lucas County fathers receive career training, job-seeking skills training, and access to job-placement services. We also offer GED preparation and guidance that helps them become successful providers and role models for their children.

Family Navigator Program
The Family Navigator Program serves families and individuals impacted by the criminal justice system, offering family education and support, workforce development and training, and educational enrichment, support and engagement.

Family Education
Using evidence-based methods, fathers are empowered to increase their sense of self-worth, personal empowerment, empathy, bonding, and attachment. In addition, they learn alternative strategies to harsh and abusive disciplinary practices and gain knowledge of age-appropriate developmental expectations, all of which helps reduce abuse and neglect rates.

Adult Mentoring
We help parents are equipped with the necessary skills to manage the demands of parenting, adjust to the workforce and remain engaged, and become positive contributors to their community.

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